We all have a song that represents a story, a memory, or a perhaps a relationship – that familiar melody often touches people’s hearts, and it’s more than likely a song by Jacky Cheung.
So many people say, if they can only watch one concert in their lifetime, then it would be Jacky Cheung.
At TWT we see ourselves not just as developers, but as curators of community, and we want everyone to be a part of something more, something better – to support this Chinese Artist, TWT are proud to be the Gold Supporter of the 2018 Jacky Cheung World Tour – SYDNEY.
Jacky Cheung – A Classic Tour, features concerts in more than 40 cities across Asia-Pacific countries, with more to come – this time including Australia.
He is one of the most famous Hong Kong pop singer/actors, with a singing career spanning more than 30 years, and is well known and loved for his music and acting all over the world.
His 1993 album ‘The Goodbye Kiss’ Topped the Best-selling album of all time in Taiwan, and the sales volume of his album once ranked second in the world, followed by Madonna. To date selling more than 60 million records.
Don’t miss out on your chance to see JACKY CHEUNG ‘ A CLASSIC TOUR’ – to find out more visit