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Wetlanders Exhibition

Wetlanders Exhibition

Exhibition Duration

Sunday 27 October 2019 5-7pm

Closing Drinks day/time

Wednesday 9-27 October 2019



Migaloo press Artists Collective are bringing their latest exhibition to Sydney in October 2019.
‘Wetlanders exhibition’ is a collection of prints, artist’s books and drawings sourced from sojourns across Moreton Bay. The artists have been meeting and collaborating with other artists, bird watchers and environmentally concerned people around Moreton Bay, drawing, documenting and exploring life in the intertidal zones along the shores of the Bay and its Southern islands. Like many marine environments close to cities, Moreton Bay wetlands are under threat of development. Eight artists – Anna Bonshek, Jen Conde, Sandra Pearce, Sue Poggioli, Helen Sanderson, Jenny Sanzaro-Nishimura, Jennifer Stuerzl, and Pat Zuber will show their work in the gallery. Artist talks, demonstrations and a variety of activities with some of the artists will be open to visitors throughout the duration of the exhibition, please check Migaloo Press Facebook page for events.

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